All of the instructions on this page will be located under the Settings tab on the TIFIN Wealth platform:
Upload Your Firm Logo & Name
Your firm logo will be added to assessments and proposals, giving you a white-labeled experience while delivering bespoke solutions to your clients and prospects.
To add your Firm Name & Firm Logo:
Go to Settings > Profile & Firm > Firm Details
Type in your Firm Name > click Upload Logo to add a logo from your computer:
Click Save and you're ready to go!
You can always come back to this page and click Edit Details to adjust your firm Name & Logo:
Set your Advisor Fees
Manage and display your firm's advisory fees by adding a standard maximum fee across all portfolios. The Flat Fee (%) will be included in Historical Performance Calculations, Projected Returns, and marketing materials.
To add an advisor fee:
Go to Settings > Profile & Firm > Fees
Click Modify Fees > enter a Fee Amount in bps terms > click Save:
You can see where the fees are included in calculations within the proposal:
Setting a Communication Email
When a client or prospect completes an assessment, an alert is sent to the advisor's login email. A second email can also be added or copied to receive these alerts.
For example, if you have an admin or partner that would like to be notified when an assessment has been completed, this is where you would input the secondar email address.
To receive assessment email alerts:
Proposal Disclosures
Disclosures, Duties & Responsibilities, and the Advisor Fee Full Disclosure will show up on proposals generated from TIFIN Wealth. By default, a TIFIN disclosure is pre-populated on any proposal but advisors can set their own disclosures if desired.
To upload this information, from the home screen:
Go to Settings > Profile & Firm > click Disclosures
Click Edit > copy & paste or manually enter your disclosure information:
Click Save.
You can view the resulting output of the Disclosures, Duties and Responsibilities, and Advisor Fee Disclosure on the investment policy statement towards the bottom of the report.
Input Your Assessment Email Information
When sending out an assessment from the TIFIN Wealth platform, you can save time by filling in the email subject, message, and signature of the assessment email. This can be adjusted before you hit send during the assessment sending process.
To pre-fill your assessment email:
Go to Settings > Profile & Firm > Assessment Email
Fill in a subject for the email, the message you would like your client or prospect to receive, and your signature in the following fields:
To see this in action, click on a client or prospect profile > click to Resend or Share an Assessment:
When you send via email, all of the information in your settings is pre-populated for you:
Here is how it renders in the client's inbox:
Email Disclosures
Some organizations and wealth enterprises require their advisors to maintain proper disclosures on all emails. To apply email disclosures in your email signature when sending an assessment directly from TIFIN Wealth, please follow the steps below:
Go to Settings > Profile & Firm > Email Disclosures
Click Edit > copy & paste your email disclosures:
Click Submit to save.