After a client completes a Personality assessment, TIFIN Wealth will use themes to provide personalized recommendations. Each theme is associated with a thematic fund that you can view and/or change.
Explore Themes
To view the list of themes, from the home screen:
Add a Theme
To create a custom theme and assign a fund to it, from the home screen:
Click Investments > click Themes > click Add Theme:
Select which driver (i.e. Purpose, Viewpoint, or Security) the theme will impact, name the theme, select theme category, add a theme description, & assign fund:
Click Save.
Disable a Theme
To disable a theme:
Select a theme > click Edit (the 3 dots) > click Disable Theme:
The disabled theme will filter down to the bottom of the Themes page and will no longer be used when making recommendations to clients based on a Personality assessment.
To re-enable a theme, click Enable This Theme:
Change a Fund assigned to a Theme