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Personality Assessment Framework Guide
Updated over a week ago

TIFIN Personality is built on the principles of positive psychology, utilizing a scientific framework to help individuals achieve financial happiness and well-being.

The assessment captures where an individual’s financial values truly lie, adding emotion and meaning to the investment process, in order to drive deeper engagement with their investments. The assessment also gives Advisors a framework for creating and sustaining a deeper client relationship. The results from the assessment provide personalized insights that allow the advisor to spark in-depth, client-centered conversations.

Based on the principles of positive psychology, the assessment targets four dimensions of financial personality:


The Purpose dimension is dominant in individuals who want their investments to have a positive impact on the world around them. They also take into account social and environmental factors when making decisions, even if this has the perceived potential to impact their returns. They may only work for and support companies that reflect their values and aim to improve the world in whatever way they can.

When talking to a client who is Purpose dominant, it is helpful to discuss:

- Building a portfolio that is a reflection of their values and changes they wish to see in the world

- Discuss what values they prioritize most; specifically acknowledge those causes they prioritized on the assessment and dive deeper into why they chose them

- Inquire if there are any philanthropic causes they support that you can help translate into their investing?


The Security dimension is dominant in individuals who invest to provide physical security and peace of mind. They prioritize protection and growth and hope to minimize fluctuations in their portfolio.

When talking to a client who is Security dominant, it is helpful to discuss:

- Is there is a milestone or change in their life that makes them value security currently?

- What concerns are they experiencing around investments?

- Are they planning to retire soon or saving for something in particular?


The Touch dimension is dominant in individuals who link investing with a desire for meaningful

relationships. Individuals high in Touch want to be involved in their investments in order to better

understand them and may accompany the Advisor’s work with their own research. The Touch dimension also provides insights on an individual’s preferred style of communication.

When talking to a client who is Touch dominant, it is helpful to discuss:

- Ask them about how confident they are in the investment process and what aspects they would like to learn more about

- What kinds of information would they like to see and what would give them the most comfort to know?

- What forms of communication do they find most helpful?


The Viewpoint dimension is dominant in individuals who want to invest in themes they see changing in the world. They are curious and are often up to speed with the latest trends and themes. These individuals want to use their investments as a way to reflect their perspective on the world around them.

When talking to a client who is Viewpoint dominant, it is helpful to discuss:

- What factors are driving their belief in the trends they believe will take off in the coming years?

Are these factors related to their professional expertise, a compelling article they read, a life experience, etc?

- Looking back, have there been trends they were wrong about or regretted following? Why?

- Ask them what publications they read to keep them curious and learning (this could be a conversation starter and give more insights into the perspectives they familiarize themselves with)

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