Below are some of the most frequently asked questions for your reference:
Can I edit questions in the assessment?
No - any standard question in an assessment cannot be edited or changed. This is because the pre-built questions are tied to and power our calculation engine that generates the resulting risk scores or likelihood of achieving your retirement goals.
Can I change the order of the questions in the assessment?
No - each question in the assessment is weighted and tied to an algorithm that calculates the scores.
Are links to questionnaires unique to a specific client?
It depends - if you email an assessment to a client or prospect directly from their profile, then yes (their name will populate on the assessment and once they submit the results the scores will tie back to their profile).
Generic Assessment hyperlinks (found in Profile & Settings) are not unique or specific to a client.
Can I complete an assessment for a client without them being notified?
No - they will be notified via their email.
How do I customize the email template when sending an assessment?
Follow the steps for sending the assessment (choose to Send Via Email) and edit the fields in the email preview > click Send Assessment.
Can an assessment link expire?
Yes. links generated and sent to a specific client that have not been used expire after 1 month.
Risk, Investments, & Proposals
Why is my Risk Capacity score a 1?
This typically occurs when a client states that their total investable assets are HIGHER than their total net worth, which would mean they would need to borrow money in order to invest.
Why would the Risk Preference and Risk Capacity scores differ greatly between two very similar clients?
Risk preference scores are based on a person's "feelings" toward risk which could vary widely depending on how the person feels about current market conditions. If you're comparing two clients who have a very similar financial makeup, their risk capacity will likely be close or the same given their similar financial situation. One exception is if there's a wide age gap (10+ years), that would cause the risk capacity scores to differ.
Why does the Risk Band scale go from 0-100?
Think of this 0-100 scale as a percentage loss scale. If a client has a risk preference score of 20, it means they are willing to lose 20% of their overall portfolio in a given year. If their risk capacity score is a 30, it indicates their portfolio could withstand a 30% loss in value and recover just fine based on their current financial situation. If their current portfolio scores a 33, it means there's a 1% chance the portfolio could lose 33% or more in a given year.
If a client was 100% invested in Tesla their portfolio score would be an 86, which is why the scale goes up to 100. Realistically, a client's Risk Band will fall between an approximate range of 6-55.
How often are the portfolio risk scores updated?
Daily. TIFIN Wealth captures daily price updates from Morningstar. Market fluctuations will trigger recalculations in the algorithm that powers the portfolio risk scores.
How is the portfolio's risk score calculated?
To calculate the portfolio's Risk Score, TIFIN uses forward-looking returns for each security based on the expected return and volatility of its respective asset class. Each security’s exposure to its asset class is calculated using a 5-year historical regression. The portfolio is then given a Risk Score based on Value at Risk (VaR), which is used to estimate the total potential loss over the next year (percentage basis) at a 99% confidence level
Are TIFIN Wealth's proposals (IPS) FINRA compliant?
Yes, TIFIN Wealth has submitted their Investment Policy Statement to FINRA who has reviewed and signed-off that it meets their requirements and is compliant with all necessary regulations.
What does security data refer to?
A security is another term for an investment such as a stock, mutual fund, or ETF.
Where does TIFIN Wealth get security level data?
TIFIN Wealth gets all its stock and fund security data from Morningstar, one of the world's leading financial data providers.
When is the security data updated?
Security performance data is updated daily at the end of market close; which includes market prices, performance, and all other financial metrics.
How do you account for new securities that don't have much historical data?
TIFIN Wealth calculate historical returns for new securities that don't have much history using a methodology that aligns with industry standards and ensures our performance presentation is compliant with the regulatory guidelines/SEC marketing rules.
A portfolio’s historical returns will be calculated only for the common periods of all the underlying holdings. As an example, if a portfolio has 3 tickers (A, B, and C) and tickers A and B have an inception date of 12/31/2006, but ticker C has an inception date of 3/31/2017 now we will consider 3/31/2017 as the portfolio’s start date. This means that in this example we would only show returns for the 1yr and 5yr period in the table because those are the only timeframes in which all the holdings of the portfolio were in existence.
Can I add anything to a Proposal or is it locked down?
Users can select and deselect elements from the proposal outline to only show what they deem as necessary. Additionally, advisors can add additional context and information to their proposals using the firm disclosures, duties & responsibilities, and advisor fee disclosures sections.
Account Questions
Does TIFIN Wealth support two factor authentication?
No - TIFIN Wealth currently does not support two-factor authentication.
Does TIFIN Wealth have a phone number I can call?
TIFIN Wealth does not have a direct customer phone number. All requests are handled via chat or via email.
How do I update my payment method?
Use this Stripe link to update your payment information.
How do I update or reset my password?
From TIFIN Wealth login page > type in your email and click Next > then click Forgot Password > enter your email address > click Send Me An Email. You will receive an email from [email protected] with a link to reset/change your password.
Email [email protected] requesting a password reset,
Where can I find TIFIN Wealth's Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy?
Here is a link to access TIFIN's Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions.