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Sending a Risk Assessment

Learn how to send a risk assessment, edit the scores or inputs, download completed assessments & more!

Updated today

Send a Risk Assessment

To send a risk assessment via email or sending out the direct link, pull up a client or prospect's record in TIFIN Wealth and follow the steps below:

  1. Expand Assessments > click Share Assessment:

  2. Select Risk as your assessment option > Click Next

  3. Choose from any of your default Custom Questions or add a custom question specific to the recipient. You may also click Skip to bypass the custom questions. When complete > Click Next

    1. Note: Custom questions are added to the end of an assessment and are an opportunity for you to learn more about your client/prospect.

  4. To make the assessment answering process easier, you can pre-fill any data you already know about the recipient by clicking Start Filling (you can also Skip this step to bypass):

    1. If you select to pre-fill data, note that there are two tabs at the top: User Details & Risk:

  5. Choose the delivery method:

    1. Send via Email - this sends an email from TIFIN Wealth using the email template from your Email Assessment settings

    2. Copy Link - this copies the assessment link so you can send the link directly to the client or prospect from your email

  6. If you choose to Send via Email from TIFIN Wealth, you will have the option to adjust the email template inputs including the Subject, Message, and Signature before clicking Send Assessment:

Take an Assessment with Your Client

To complete the risk assessment in TIFIN Wealth along with your client, pull up a client or prospect's record in TIFIN Wealth > expand Assessments > click Take Assessment Now > complete the 16-question assessment:

Downloading a Blank Risk Assessment

To download or print out a risk assessment, pull up a client or prospect's record in TIFIN Wealth > expand Assessments > click Download Blank Questionnaire:

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